Journals of the Purge Years Journals of the Purge Years
Revolution on My Mind is a new analysis of personal diaries written in the shadow of Stalin.
Aug 10, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Sheila Fitzpatrick
‘Mushroom Cloud’ Rice, The Icy Spinmeister, Tries Again ‘Mushroom Cloud’ Rice, The Icy Spinmeister, Tries Again
Condi takes her "birth pangs" mantra on the road.
Aug 10, 2006 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Crisis in Lebanon Crisis in Lebanon
The inactivity of the Bush Administration on the Israel-Hezbollah conflict is armchair warfare against the interests of all. For peace, we must press for an immediate cease-fire.
Aug 10, 2006 / The Editors
Mercenary Jackpot Mercenary Jackpot
As the United States decries the private militias of Lebanon and Iraq, GOP-connected, privately owned global mercenary firms receive blank checks and little oversight.
Aug 10, 2006 / Jeremy Scahill
Iraq Is Dying Iraq Is Dying
As an array of Iraqi leaders met with American peace activists this week in Amman, Jordan, a grim picture emerged of what the future will be, regardless of whether US troops stay o...
Aug 9, 2006 / Feature / Tom Hayden
Why We Don’t Know Our Enemy Why We Don’t Know Our Enemy
Hysteria over the barbarians at the gate has destroyed republics from Rome to Germany. A new book explains why Bush's post-September 11 America may meet a similar fate.
Aug 9, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer
Birth Pangs of a New Christian Zionism Birth Pangs of a New Christian Zionism
Rapture-ready Christian Zionists have hired their first full-time Washington lobbyist. He's experienced, connected--and, oy vey, he's Jewish.
Aug 8, 2006 / Feature / Max Blumenthal
The Smoking Volcano The Smoking Volcano
As election officials in Mexico recount only a handful of contested voting districts in the flawed presidential elections, Andrés Manuel López Obrador walks a tightro...
Israeli Doves Challenge the War Israeli Doves Challenge the War
According to the Western media, most Israelis, including leading peace advocates, support the ongoing war in Lebanon. But Israeli doves are beginning to speak out. Will it make a d...
Aug 7, 2006 / Feature / Jon Wiener
Is Israel Good for the Jews? Is Israel Good for the Jews?
An American Jewish identity that centers on unconditional defense of Israel is not healthy--for either American Jews or Israel.
Aug 5, 2006 / Feature / Norman Birnbaum