The Theater of Cruelty The Theater of Cruelty
The detainee abuses at Abu Ghraib were both a continuation and a divergence from historical prison practices.
Jun 29, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Amitav Ghosh
Reconnecting to the World Reconnecting to the World
The US must make full employment and ample demand the guiding principles of its international economic policy.
Jun 29, 2005 / Feature / Sherle R. Schwenninger
Giving Africa a Hand Giving Africa a Hand
Activists must push for more debt relief for all impoverished countries in Africa.
Jun 29, 2005 / The Editors
Torture and Accountability Torture and Accountability
Senior government officials can be held responsible for the horrors at Abu Ghraib.
Jun 28, 2005 / Feature / Elizabeth Holtzman
Iranian Revolution Is Thriving in Iraq Iranian Revolution Is Thriving in Iraq
Did those wily ayatollahs give us the purple finger again?
Jun 28, 2005 / Column / Robert Scheer
The Heart of the Matter The Heart of the Matter
Graham Greene remains a compelling figure in this moment of moral bankruptcy.
Jun 23, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Matt Steinglass
Reflections on the Body Politic Reflections on the Body Politic
Novelist David Grossman discusses Israel and the role of politics in his writing.
Jun 23, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Mark Sorkin
Giving Chutzpah New Meaning Giving Chutzpah New Meaning
Alan Dershowitz is on the defensive over his research on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Jun 23, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener
Letter From El Salvador Letter From El Salvador
El Salvador today is an Exhibit A casualty of the American imperium.
Jun 23, 2005 / Feature / Peter Davis
No Flat World in Europe No Flat World in Europe
Despite alarmist talk, the European economy is not in shambles.
Jun 23, 2005 / Thomas Geoghegan