Punishing the Wrong People Punishing the Wrong People
A federal magistrate in Georgia sentenced eleven people to prison for up to six months last week for crossing the line onto a military base in an act of nonviolent civil disobedi...
Feb 2, 2005 / Feature / Patrick Mulvaney
Now, the US Must Get Out of Iraq’s Way Now, the US Must Get Out of Iraq’s Way
After the excellent election news, it's time for Bush to plan a pullout.
Feb 1, 2005 / Column / Robert Scheer
The Politics of Water in Bolivia The Politics of Water in Bolivia
Once again, World Bank water policy is challenged by the poorest.
Jan 28, 2005 / Feature / Jim Shultz
Fantasy Island Fantasy Island
Washington Post writer Paul Farhi cleverly compared the content and structure of George W.
Jan 27, 2005 / Column / Eric Alterman
We Could Have Danced All Night We Could Have Danced All Night
(The Bushes Do "My Fair Lady" at the Inaugural Balls)
Jan 27, 2005 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Battling the Pentagon Battling the Pentagon
On issues of war and peace, progressives should take heart from the fact that no matter how aggressive the Bush Administration's intentions may be, its ability to carry them out ...
Jan 27, 2005 / William D. Hartung and Michelle Ciarrocca
Hail-to-the-Chief Show Hail-to-the-Chief Show
This Administration may not know how to rule the world, but it sure can run a ritual.
Jan 27, 2005 / Richard Goldstein
‘Freedom’ Belongs to All ‘Freedom’ Belongs to All
George W. Bush's second inaugural address cynically invoked noble ideals for ignoble ends.
Jan 27, 2005 / Eric Foner
1600 Pennsylvania Meets Madison Ave. 1600 Pennsylvania Meets Madison Ave.
As a political marketing device, Bush's address was brilliant.
Jan 25, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Robert Scheer
In the Penal Colony In the Penal Colony
Alberto Gonzales's nomination to succeed John Ashcroft as Attorney General put the Abu Ghraib torture scandal back on the front pages, since he was directly implicated, as White ...
Jan 20, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Lisa Hajjar