The Myth of the New Anti-Semitism The Myth of the New Anti-Semitism
In 1879 the German journalist Wilhelm Marr, a former socialist and anarchist, founded an organization that was novel in two ways.
Jan 15, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Brian Klug
‘Soft Multilateralism’ ‘Soft Multilateralism’
You can't go home again.
Jan 15, 2004 / Feature / Immanuel Wallerstein
The View From Mexico The View From Mexico
This past November, along with six other members of the US Congress, I visited Mexico on a Teamsters-sponsored trip in order to assess what NAFTA has done to Mexico.
Jan 15, 2004 / Feature / Sen. Bernie Sanders
Sectarianism in Iraq Sectarianism in Iraq
Saddam Hussein's capture on December 13 ended the role of the minority Sunni Arabs as Iraq's ruling group since 1638, when the Sunni Ottoman Turks captured Mesopotamia (then comp...
Jan 15, 2004 / Dilip Hiro
Not-So-Special Counsel Not-So-Special Counsel
When is a special counsel not a special counsel? When the Ashcroft Justice Department appoints one to investigate the White House.
Jan 15, 2004 / David Corn
Baghdad Beat Baghdad Beat
There's a wonderful children's story by Roald Dahl titled Fantastic Mr. Fox. Mr. Fox is a wily fellow whose record of chicken theft has driven three local farmers to the point of...
Jan 8, 2004 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Bush as Hitler? Let’s Be Fair Bush as Hitler? Let’s Be Fair
Editor's Note: The Nation gives its columnists the widest possible latitude and, as readers know, their views are not always those of the magazine. In this instance, however, the e...
Jan 8, 2004 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
On Winning the War and Losing the Alerts On Winning the War and Losing the Alerts
We're fighting terror in Iraq, Bush says, So we won't have to fight these guys right here. Then why the orange alerts and canceled flights
Jan 8, 2004 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Rebuilding Afghanistan Rebuilding Afghanistan
After twenty-one tension-filled days of raucous speeches, poetry readings, threats, bribery and walkouts, Afghanistan's loya jirga, held to endorse a new Constitution for Afghani...
Jan 8, 2004 / Ahmed Rashid