
War and Remembrance War and Remembrance

In a provocative book published recently in Germany, a Hamburg scholar named Klaus Briegleb appeared to take on the entire national literary establishment for indulging in self...

Mar 13, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Hugh Eakin

Selling the War on TV Selling the War on TV

Let's say you have a war to sell. You have the usual public relations tools at your disposal: highly scripted press conferences, stories leaked by White House officials to a co...

Mar 13, 2003 / Susan J. Douglas

Around the World in 80 Ways Around the World in 80 Ways

In about five years' time, there will be a new Paul Theroux travel book, and it will look like this.

Mar 13, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Eric Weinberger

Fragments From a Diary Fragments From a Diary

Soothed by calm words, we are about to be driven into the flames of hell.

Mar 13, 2003 / Feature / Wallace Shawn

The UN’s Relevance The UN’s Relevance

Much to the frustration of the Bush Administration, France, Russia, China and the other members of the United Nations Security Council opposing the British-US resolution on Ira...

Mar 13, 2003 / The Editors

In Torture We Trust?

In Torture We Trust? In Torture We Trust?

In these jittery times, many Americans see torture as justified.

Mar 13, 2003 / Feature / Eyal Press

Snow Falling on Ashes Snow Falling on Ashes

It was a cold, gray morning, chance of flurries. As I braced for the weather that's buffeted the East Coast recently, I thought: What a spiraling blizzard of bad policy we face...

Mar 13, 2003 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Antiwar America Antiwar America

From across the country, friends share stories of protest.

Mar 12, 2003 / Feature / Our Readers

When Bombs Fall, US Will Join Ranks of War Criminals When Bombs Fall, US Will Join Ranks of War Criminals

The maiming or killing of a single Iraqi civilian in an attack by the United States would constitute a war crime, as well as a profound violation of the Christian notion of just ...

Mar 11, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer

Questioning the Israeli Boycott Questioning the Israeli Boycott

Geneva, Switzerland

Mar 6, 2003 / Our Readers
