America and the World: The End of Easy Dominance America and the World: The End of Easy Dominance
In the more trying period ahead, a modest internationalism would fare best.
Nov 2, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Sherle R. Schwenninger
Time of the Intifada Time of the Intifada
All the way up the West Bank, from Ramallah and Nablus to Jenin, the remains of burned tires litter the road. The iron-shuttered shops and empty streets and the high-speed Israel...
Nov 2, 2000 / Robert Fisk
For Whom the Gong Tolls For Whom the Gong Tolls
If you stand in Tiananmen Square and keep your eyes open on a normal day, you will see the tour groups with their "keep together" flags, and the long line waiting to see ...
Nov 2, 2000 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Iraq’s Rehabilitation Iraq’s Rehabilitation
When members of the Arab League gathered for an emergency summit in Cairo on October 21 to discuss "the grave situation in the Palestinian Territories and its impact on the peace...
Oct 26, 2000 / Dilip Hiro
Bitter Facts in the Mideast Bitter Facts in the Mideast
The fundamentals in the Middle East have changed so drastically--unalterably--that the recent agreement at Sharm el Sheik was just a strip of gauze on a gaping wound. The complac...
Oct 19, 2000 / The Editors
The Kiss The Kiss
You may find reading Akhil Sharma's debut novel akin to having your head held underwater. Attendant with feelings of a relentless, choking panic, though, will be an almost preter...
Oct 19, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Amitava Kumar
More Corporate Welfare More Corporate Welfare
Who says this is a do-nothing Congress? Sure, it can't agree on expanding the childcare tax credit or approve an increase in the minimum wage. Yet, as Congress prepares to adjour...
Oct 19, 2000 / Rep. Peter DeFazio
Europe: Is There a Fourth Way? Europe: Is There a Fourth Way?
If Western Europe is to be independent it must defend its welfare state.
Oct 19, 2000 / Feature / Daniel Singer
The Trials of Lori Berenson The Trials of Lori Berenson
The Trials of Lori Berenson New York City The Nation acknowledges that military and civilian trials in Peru violate due process of law in terrorism cases, that...
Oct 12, 2000 / The Editors, Ramsey Clark, Jonathan Levi, Liz Mineo, Ari Zighelboim, and Elizabeth Schwartz
Blaming Arik Last Blaming Arik Last
Marvin Kalb, executive director of the Washington office of Harvard's Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy, diagnoses an anti-Israel tilt in the US media,...
Oct 12, 2000 / Column / Eric Alterman