Chokehold on the World Chokehold on the World
Are sanctions ethical--or an ill-used weapon of mass destruction?
Dec 14, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Joy Gordon
Double Enmity Double Enmity
Noah Isenberg reviews Communazis, by Alexander Stephan.
Dec 14, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Noah Isenberg
Rogue Washington Rogue Washington
It has created a menacing image of North Korea for its own purposes.
Dec 14, 2000 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
In Our Orbit In Our Orbit
STILL LOSING RUSSIA "As a result of the Yeltsin era, all the fundamental sectors of our state, economic, cultural and moral life have been destroyed or looted," lamented Alexand...
Dec 7, 2000 / Books & the Arts / The Editors
Middle East Divide Middle East Divide
Jerusalem One of the many casualties of the Palestinian intifada in the occupied territories, now entering its third month, is the alliance between the Palestinian nationa...
Dec 7, 2000 / Graham Usher
Talking With ‘Red Ken’ Talking With ‘Red Ken’
London's new mayor is Thatcher's old nemesis. Is he also a leading indicator?
Nov 30, 2000 / Feature / Maria Margaronis and D.D. Guttenplan
To Hell in His Handbasket To Hell in His Handbasket
Travel writing is a dismal art. From Herodotus, wide-eyed (and perhaps more than a little disoriented) in an India of man-eating ants and black sperm; to Ibn Batuta, the fourteen...
Nov 30, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Akash Kapur
‘Torture Them’ ‘Torture Them’
Do we want a Vice President who endorses illegal detention and torture of Palestinians? Anthony Cordesman, a national security type frequently deployed as a television pundit, re...
Nov 27, 2000 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Coming of Age in Venezuela Coming of Age in Venezuela
A few years back, critics of postmodernism, both left and right, chuckled at the academic sting pulled on the journal Social Text when it published Alan Sokal's bogus article on ...
Nov 27, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Greg Grandin
Accountability on Chile Accountability on Chile
"Actions approved by the U.S. government aggravated political polarization and affected Chile's long tradition of democratic elections and respect for constitutional order and th...
Nov 27, 2000 / Peter Kornbluh