
Blackwater in Pakistan: Gates Confirms Blackwater in Pakistan: Gates Confirms

In the past two days, both Defense Secretary Robert Gates and a Pakistani senior minister have confirmed that Blackwater is operating in Pakistan.

Jan 22, 2010 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill

UN Diplomat Lost to Haiti’s Earthquake UN Diplomat Lost to Haiti’s Earthquake

Among the dead in Haiti are the UN workers who were trying to make the nation a better place.

Jan 22, 2010 / Feature / Dan Bischoff

Nation Pushes IMF to Cancel Haiti’s debt Nation Pushes IMF to Cancel Haiti’s debt

Amid mounting public pressure and calls for restructuring from The Nation, the IMF turns its $100 million loan to Haiti into a grant.

Jan 22, 2010 / The Rachel Maddow Show

Petraeus Gets It Wrong Petraeus Gets It Wrong

Yesterday, I had a chance to question General David Petraeus about President Obama's Afghan timetable, and what he had to say leads one to suspect that if Petraeus, McChrystal, and...

Jan 22, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Covering Haiti: When the Media Is the Disaster Covering Haiti: When the Media Is the Disaster

It's time to banish the word "looting" from the media vocabulary in times of disaster.

Jan 21, 2010 / Feature / Rebecca Solnit

The Haiti Haters The Haiti Haters

In this moment of death and destruction, we should not turn away.

Jan 21, 2010 / Amy Wilentz

What Haiti Is Owed What Haiti Is Owed

For much of Haiti's existence, foreign powers have used debt not just to control but to plunder it.

Jan 21, 2010 / The Editors

Free Nazia Quazi Free Nazia Quazi

How far have women come if a country like Canada permits a father to imprison his daughter in the cage of Saudi laws?

Jan 21, 2010 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Muscling Latin America Muscling Latin America

The Pentagon has a new Monroe Doctrine.

Jan 21, 2010 / Feature / Greg Grandin

Security Contractors Set Sights on Haiti Security Contractors Set Sights on Haiti

Jeremy Scahill discusses how Haiti's earthquake creates the perfect environment for security contractors to intervene and take advantage of the lawless state.

Jan 21, 2010 / Countdown
