Debt: Just Forget It Debt: Just Forget It
For two decades the International Monetary Fund and its major client, the US Treasury, have made privatization, austere social budgets and market deregulation conditions of loans...
Nov 4, 1999 / Jeff Faux
Bertelsmann’s Revisionist Bertelsmann’s Revisionist
The Investigative Fund of The Nation Institute provided research assistance.
Oct 21, 1999 / John S. Friedman and Hersch Fischler
Banning the Ban Banning the Ban
The Senate Republicans' shameful rejection of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty was the work of a core of hard-line conservatives led by Senator Jesse Helms.
Oct 21, 1999 / The Editors
The Unthinkable The Unthinkable
When the Republican majority in the Senate voted down the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty on October 13, President Clinton called their act "partisanship at its worst." The Washing...
Oct 21, 1999 / Jonathan Schell
When the People Took the Stage When the People Took the Stage
At the beginning of June 1989, I was sitting in the bar of the Hotel Europejski in Warsaw and reassuring Tadeusz Mazowiecki that his decision to stay on as editor of Solidarity's m...
Oct 14, 1999 / Feature / Daniel Singer
Pakistan: No Way Out Pakistan: No Way Out
For the third time in Pakistan's traumatic history, the army has seized power--this time, apparently, against the advice of the United States. The country is under martial law.
Oct 14, 1999 / Tariq Ali
Remains of the Day Remains of the Day
Every Wednesday since January 1992, an indefatigable group of halmonis (Korean for "grandmothers") in their 70s and 80s have led a rally in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seo...
Oct 7, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Margaret Juhae Lee
Korean My Lai Korean My Lai
Repressed memory is the ammunition of history, returning when one least expects it to puncture the complacency of the present.
Oct 7, 1999 / Bruce Cumings
The Man From ONA The Man From ONA
Seventy-eight-year-old Andrew Marshall runs the Office of Net Assessment from a small office on the third floor of the Pentagon.
Oct 7, 1999 / Feature / Ken Silverstein
Their Myths and Ours Their Myths and Ours
Karen Rosenberg has taught Russian literary history in the United States and Austria.
Sep 30, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Karen Rosenberg