
Europe Notebook Europe Notebook

For the Western press the Chernobyl disaster was splendid copy, both sensational and anti-Soviet.

Jan 2, 1998 / Daniel Singer

From Balzac to Salvador Dali From Balzac to Salvador Dali

"You are mistaken, dear angel, if you think that King Louis-Philippe rules--a mistake the King himself does not make.

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

P.C.I.–What’s in a New Name? P.C.I.–What’s in a New Name?

I thought I was going to the opulent city of Bologna, with its ancient red-brick palaces, for the funeral of the Italian Communist Party.

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

Gorbachev–Two Steps Backward? Gorbachev–Two Steps Backward?

"Comrade democrats--in the widest meaning of this word--you have scattered. The reformers have gone to ground. Dictatorship is coming....

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

The Stink of Money The Stink of Money

Los Angeles is not the only place perturbing the sermons of the preachers of history's end and capitalism's eternal youth.

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

Of Lobsters and Poles Of Lobsters and Poles

Lobsters, French cookbooks assert, love to be cooked alive.

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

Le Pen’s Pals–Blood and Soil Le Pen’s Pals–Blood and Soil

There are two unmistakable signs that France is entering a pre-electoral period: The government is once again tinkering with the electoral law and the politicians, particularly t...

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

La Peste La Peste


Jan 2, 1998 / Daniel Singer

Supping With the French Devil Supping With the French Devil

Cartoonists can beat journalists at their own game of first oversimplifying and then exaggerating.

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

Does the Left Have a Future? Does the Left Have a Future?

With the Soviet model shattered forever, it is the social democratic one that is now in deep crisis in Western Europe. On the face of it, judging just by the results of June's Eu...

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer
