
Response 1 Response 1

David Cortright has laid out many aspects of an agenda to help the US peace movement move from the immediate work of trying to stop this war, to continuing to broaden the reach...

Apr 3, 2003 / Feature / Phyllis Bennis and John Cavanagh

Response 2 Response 2

The war is just two weeks old, yet the Bush Administration has accomplished the unprecedented isolation of the United States worldwide, even from several of its historic allies...

Apr 3, 2003 / Feature / Bill Fletcher Jr.

Response 3 Response 3

Ifind David Cortright's call useful but limiting. The most exciting aspect of the antiwar organizing has been its global reach.

Apr 3, 2003 / Feature / Medea Benjamin

With the Kurds With the Kurds

I'm standing at the northern front in Chamchamal, a quarter-mile from Saddam Hussein's hilltop divisions. Before me six mounds of earth, like oversized anthills, line the ridge...

Mar 27, 2003 / Eliza Griswold

Dispatch From Britain Dispatch From Britain

The night the war began, an ashen-faced woman in Parliament Square held up a photograph of an Iraqi soldier, reduced to a smudge of carbon but for his head and feet--an image f...

Mar 27, 2003 / Feature / Maria Margaronis

Dispatch From Vietnam Dispatch From Vietnam

In this country, where a US military attack echoes more loudly perhaps than anywhere else in the world, protesters against the war are expressing themselves from Hanoi in the n...

Mar 27, 2003 / Feature / Peter Davis

Dispatch From Russia Dispatch From Russia

A few hours after the United States launched its first missile attack against Baghdad, I spoke to 400 students and faculty at Moscow's largest university of commerce and econom...

Mar 27, 2003 / Feature / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Dispatch From France Dispatch From France

Following the first attack at 3 am French time, the morning papers were ready with generic "War Is Here" headlines, accompanied by full-page images of dark skies.

Mar 27, 2003 / Feature / Mark Cramer

Dispatch From China Dispatch From China

The pedicab driver stretched out in the passenger seat, his legs thrown over the bicycle seat, half dozing and half listening to the latest news updates in the hours after Amer...

Mar 27, 2003 / Feature / Jen Lin-Liu

Dispatch From Israel Dispatch From Israel

As I was driving home from work late Wednesday night, it became clear that the assault would begin within hours.

Mar 27, 2003 / Feature / Neve Gordon
