Letter From Iran Letter From Iran
Hossein, a young newspaper vendor, is a revolutionary.
Jul 1, 1999 / Feature / Afshin Molavi
‘Snake Eat Snake’ ‘Snake Eat Snake’
A few years ago, one of Lebanon's giddier periodicals, suitably titled Prestige, published as its cover story an interview with a Lebanese celebrity.
Jul 1, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Walid Harb
Holocaust Creationism Holocaust Creationism
Between 1945 and 1947 the United States underwent perhaps the most breathtaking ideological transformation in its history.
Jun 24, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener
Same-Sex Spouses in Canada Same-Sex Spouses in Canada
On May 20, leaving its southern neighbor in the dust, Canada took a breathtaking leap forward in lesbian and gay rights.
Jun 24, 1999 / Feature / E.J. Graff
The Spies Who Fleeced Us The Spies Who Fleeced Us
It's always suspicious when Washingtonians start breaking into bad Latin. There may be a quid, you hear them say, and there seems to be a quo.
Jun 24, 1999 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Republic of Pain Republic of Pain
Quick, name a recent Nobel Peace Prize laureate accused of colluding in a program of mass murder. No, not Henry Kissinger--that's old news.
Jun 24, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Roane Carey
Showdown in Pristina Showdown in Pristina
The Russian contingent that declared its sovereignty over Pristina's airport is a stark sign of how deeply the Kosovo war has eroded the already deteriorating US-Russian relation...
Jun 17, 1999 / The Editors
Third Way–Dead End? Third Way–Dead End?
In the week preceding the European parliamentary elections, Tony Blair and Gerhard Schröder produced a joint declaration, called "Europe, the third way, die neue Mitte" (t...
Jun 17, 1999 / Daniel Singer
Indian Music, Sans Sitar Indian Music, Sans Sitar
I am an artless serf of Cupid. So are you and your mama--but not Vikram Seth.
Jun 17, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Amitava Kumar
Progress in the Kosovo Talks Progress in the Kosovo Talks
Could settlement and peace both come before Young Bush finds a position on the war?
Jun 10, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin