
We’re Already Losing the Lessons of the Paris Unity March

We’re Already Losing the Lessons of the Paris Unity March We’re Already Losing the Lessons of the Paris Unity March

Katrina vanden Heuvel visits The Ed Show to discuss cybersecurity following the attacks in Paris.

Jan 13, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel and Hilary Weaver

Don’t Let Congress Kill Negotiations with Iran

Don’t Let Congress Kill Negotiations with Iran Don’t Let Congress Kill Negotiations with Iran

Once again, Congress is threatening to pass a bill that could torpedo historic negotiations with Iran. 

Jan 13, 2015 / NationAction

Letter to a Young Army Ranger

Letter to a Young Army Ranger Letter to a Young Army Ranger

Here’s why the “War on Terror” is not your battle.

Jan 13, 2015 / Rory Fanning

The Charlie Hebdo ‘Hot Takes’

The Charlie Hebdo ‘Hot Takes’ The Charlie Hebdo ‘Hot Takes’

What is it about horrific events that brings out horrific media coverage?

Jan 13, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

Locals Everywhere Want to Know: What’s Wrong With America?

Locals Everywhere Want to Know: What’s Wrong With America? Locals Everywhere Want to Know: What’s Wrong With America?

Americans living abroad are burdened with a difficult task: explaining a country that doesn't make much sense.

Jan 12, 2015 / Ann Jones

January 12, 1991: Congress Votes to Send Troops to Expel Iraq From Kuwait

January 12, 1991: Congress Votes to Send Troops to Expel Iraq From Kuwait January 12, 1991: Congress Votes to Send Troops to Expel Iraq From Kuwait

The United States had backed Saddam Hussein in Iraq’s long war with Iran, but by the time the war ended in 1988 Iraq was deeply in debt—not least to neighboring Kuwait....

Jan 12, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac

Rewriting George Packer as if Mexican Lives Mattered

Rewriting George Packer as if Mexican Lives Mattered Rewriting George Packer as if Mexican Lives Mattered

What would it look like if liberals like Packer cared about the disappearance of forty-three students in Ayotzinapa the way they cared about the Charlie Hebdo massacre?

Jan 11, 2015 / Greg Grandin

January 11, 1928: Joseph Stalin Exiles Leon Trotsky to Siberia

January 11, 1928: Joseph Stalin Exiles Leon Trotsky to Siberia January 11, 1928: Joseph Stalin Exiles Leon Trotsky to Siberia

A long and bitter conflict between Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin over who would succeed Vladimir Lenin as the Soviet leader culminated on this day in 1928 when Stalin exiled Trots...

Jan 11, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac

Why We Must Resist Simple Explanations of the ‘Charlie Hebdo’ Massacre

Why We Must Resist Simple Explanations of the ‘Charlie Hebdo’ Massacre Why We Must Resist Simple Explanations of the ‘Charlie Hebdo’ Massacre

Tidy stories reducing the atrocity to a clash of civilizations or a problem with integration are neither enlightening nor satisfying.

Jan 10, 2015 / Laila Lalami

January 10, 1946: The General Assembly of the United Nations Convenes for the First Time

January 10, 1946: The General Assembly of the United Nations Convenes for the First Time January 10, 1946: The General Assembly of the United Nations Convenes for the First Time

The first UN delegates could bring “any amount and type of baggage they desire,” with one exception.

Jan 10, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac
