
5 US Assumptions About the Middle East That Are Just Plain Wrong

5 US Assumptions About the Middle East That Are Just Plain Wrong 5 US Assumptions About the Middle East That Are Just Plain Wrong

After thirteen years of the failed war on terror, it’s time to scrutinize America’s assumptions about military involvement in the Middle East.

Nov 24, 2014 / Andrew J. Bacevich

How Ebola Could End the Cuban Embargo

How Ebola Could End the Cuban Embargo How Ebola Could End the Cuban Embargo

Instead of encouraging Cuban doctors to defect, the United States should be working with them to stop the spread of Ebola.

Nov 21, 2014 / Arturo Lopez-Levy and Foreign Policy In Focus

Déjà Vu in Jerusalem?

Déjà Vu in Jerusalem? Déjà Vu in Jerusalem?

In the latest round of violence, the Israeli government has been rebuked by its own security chief.

Nov 20, 2014 / Neve Gordon

Mexico’s Undead Rise Up

Mexico’s Undead Rise Up Mexico’s Undead Rise Up

With forty-three disappeared student teachers presumed dead, Mexican popular resistance is creating new alternatives to the militarized narco-state.

Nov 20, 2014 / Charlotte María Sáenz and Foreign Policy In Focus

Before Senator Mark Udall Leaves Office, He Can Make History

Before Senator Mark Udall Leaves Office, He Can Make History Before Senator Mark Udall Leaves Office, He Can Make History

Transparency and civil liberties advocates are calling on outgoing Senator Mark Udall to use his privileges as a senator to release the contents of the CIA “torture report&rd...

Nov 20, 2014 / NationAction

Why Is the US Military So Interested in Chad?

Why Is the US Military So Interested in Chad? Why Is the US Military So Interested in Chad?

The US military continues a long series of mistakes, missteps and mishaps across Africa.

Nov 20, 2014 / Nick Turse

Remembering Mike Nichols

Remembering Mike Nichols Remembering Mike Nichols

Hamilton Fish remembers legendary film director and creative force behind 'The Graduate', Mike Nichols.

Nov 20, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Hamilton Fish

Want a Living Wage? Work at McDonald’s… in Denmark

Want a Living Wage? Work at McDonald’s… in Denmark Want a Living Wage? Work at McDonald’s… in Denmark

Can global solidarity between fast-food workers help raise the bar for all of them?

Nov 19, 2014 / Michelle Chen

NSA Reform Is Blocked by Constitutionally Disinclined Senate Republicans

NSA Reform Is Blocked by Constitutionally Disinclined Senate Republicans NSA Reform Is Blocked by Constitutionally Disinclined Senate Republicans

Outgoing Colorado Senator Mark Udall promises to fight to the last day “to make sure we keep faith with our founding values.”

Nov 19, 2014 / John Nichols

Tunisia’s Unfinished Revolution

Tunisia’s Unfinished Revolution Tunisia’s Unfinished Revolution

Religious tensions, remnants of the police state and a broken-down neoliberal economic model imperil Tunisia’s otherwise impressive democratic transition.

Nov 17, 2014 / Jahd Khalil and Foreign Policy In Focus
