The Civil War Rages on in Eastern Ukraine The Civil War Rages on in Eastern Ukraine
The American media and government are up in arms over the downing of MH17, but they don’t take into account the violence that led up to the tragedy, or the power diplomacy co...
Jul 24, 2014 / Press Room

What Happened—and What Didn’t Happen—with Flight MH17 What Happened—and What Didn’t Happen—with Flight MH17
In southeast Ukraine and in Russia, conspiracy theories abound.
Jul 24, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss

Why the Hawks Are Winning the Iran Debate Why the Hawks Are Winning the Iran Debate
People associated with groups taking a hard line on Iran sanctions accounted for twenty-two of the thirty-six testimonies solicited by House and Senate committees.
Jul 24, 2014 / Eli Clifton

Stephen Cohen: Is a Russian-American War on the Horizon? Stephen Cohen: Is a Russian-American War on the Horizon?
"We are in the worst of times, except that it can get worse."
Jul 24, 2014 / Stephen F. Cohen

Newborn Infants Die Without Necessary Medical Care in Gaza’s Overwhelmed Shifa Hospital Newborn Infants Die Without Necessary Medical Care in Gaza’s Overwhelmed Shifa Hospital
Two weeks of conflict made crossing borders too difficult to arrange in time. They may have had a chance if they had gotten out.
Jul 24, 2014 / Sharif Abdel Kouddous

The War Hawks Are Back, and They Still Sound Like Little Boys Playing With Toy Soldiers The War Hawks Are Back, and They Still Sound Like Little Boys Playing With Toy Soldiers
Washington’s armchair generals are salivating at the world’s current turmoil, seeing a chance to rehabilitate themselves.
Jul 23, 2014 / William Greider

Why Is the 2022 World Cup Being Held in a Country That Practices Modern-Day Slavery? Why Is the 2022 World Cup Being Held in a Country That Practices Modern-Day Slavery?
Migrant workers subject to the kafala system have little recourse against exploitation and abuse.
Jul 23, 2014 / Michelle Chen

On Israel-Palestine and BDS: Chomsky Replies On Israel-Palestine and BDS: Chomsky Replies
Noam Chomsky responds to Yousef Munayyer, MJ Rosenberg, Nadia Ben-Youssef, Ran Greenstein and the Organizing Collective of the US Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott o...
Jul 22, 2014 / Noam Chomsky

Russian and American News Media Give ‘Mirror Image’ Accounts of MH17 Crash Russian and American News Media Give ‘Mirror Image’ Accounts of MH17 Crash
In Russia and in the US, the media play the blame game.
Jul 22, 2014 / Press Room

How America Changed the Meaning of War How America Changed the Meaning of War
After 9/11, the US invented a new kind of borderless, pre-emptive warfare, plunging the world into an endless cycle of violence.
Jul 22, 2014 / Jonathan Schell