
Is Israel Making Itself Irrelevant to the Iran Debate?

Is Israel Making Itself Irrelevant to the Iran Debate? Is Israel Making Itself Irrelevant to the Iran Debate?

Netanyahu's extreme rhetoric isolates the Jewish state.

Oct 2, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

What Happened to Egypt’s Liberals After the Coup?

What Happened to Egypt’s Liberals After the Coup? What Happened to Egypt’s Liberals After the Coup?

Precious few political parties have spoken out against the military or its assault on the Muslim Brotherhood.

Oct 1, 2013 / Sharif Abdel Kouddous

The Forgotten War

The Forgotten War The Forgotten War

Twelve years in Afghanistan down the memory hole.

Oct 1, 2013 / Ann Jones

Sorry, Putin and Kucinich: Assad Did It

Sorry, Putin and Kucinich: Assad Did It Sorry, Putin and Kucinich: Assad Did It

It doesn’t justify a unilateral US attack, but the Syrian government did indeed use poison gas.

Oct 1, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

The Government Leakers Who Truly Endanger America Will Never Face Prosecution

The Government Leakers Who Truly Endanger America Will Never Face Prosecution The Government Leakers Who Truly Endanger America Will Never Face Prosecution

Officials leak secrets to advance careers or justify wars and weapons programs, but Edward Snowden’s the criminal?

Oct 1, 2013 / Robert Scheer

Stop Congress From Rewarding Israeli Discrimination

Stop Congress From Rewarding Israeli Discrimination Stop Congress From Rewarding Israeli Discrimination

It’s considering a bill that would estrange millions of Palestinian-Americans from their families and their illegally occupied homeland.

Sep 30, 2013 / Anna Lekas Miller

Rejoice With Caution: Golden Dawn Under Arrest

Rejoice With Caution: Golden Dawn Under Arrest Rejoice With Caution: Golden Dawn Under Arrest

The Greek government cracks down at last on the neo-Nazi group, which had become more threatening than useful.

Sep 30, 2013 / Maria Margaronis

Neo-Cold Warriors

Neo-Cold Warriors Neo-Cold Warriors

The Weekly Standard's assault on my article is a quintessential example of cold-war thinking and debased discourse.

Sep 30, 2013 / Stephen F. Cohen

A World in Which No One Is Listening to the Planet’s Sole Superpower

A World in Which No One Is Listening to the Planet’s Sole Superpower A World in Which No One Is Listening to the Planet’s Sole Superpower

 The greater Middle East’s greatest rebuff to Uncle Sam.

Sep 30, 2013 / Dilip Hiro

What Rouhani Said

What Rouhani Said What Rouhani Said

The new Iranian president, who won big in June’s election, has a mandate to proceed with a deal.

Sep 29, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss
