Why YouTube Is Wrong to Censor the Anti-Islam Video Why YouTube Is Wrong to Censor the Anti-Islam Video
The selective censorship of “Innocence of Muslims” in Libya and Egypt “reeks of paternalism.”
Sep 14, 2012 / Ari Melber
Newest GOP National Security Attack on Obama: He Reads Newest GOP National Security Attack on Obama: He Reads
Conservatives are complaining that sometimes President Obama reads intelligence briefings instead of getting them in person. How did George W. Bush handle it?
Sep 14, 2012 / Ben Adler
Neoconjobs Neoconjobs
The Obama administration's quiet reponse to a 2010 bombing in Georgia contrasts with the macho foreign policy vision Mitt demonstrated with his response to riots in the Arab world ...
Sep 13, 2012 / Eric Alterman
Is the US Monopolizing War? Is the US Monopolizing War?
Military operations and arms sales are what America knows best.
Sep 13, 2012 / Tom Engelhardt
Romney’s Fatal Libya Blunder Romney’s Fatal Libya Blunder
Can you imagine this man in the White House?
Sep 13, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss
Who’s Got the Nukes? Who’s Got the Nukes?
As Israel steps up its saber-rattling against Iran, the US press continues to ignore facts that would undermine Israel's “moral” position.
Sep 12, 2012 / William Greider
Priebus Posturing: RNC Chair Crosses the Last Line of Political Propriety Priebus Posturing: RNC Chair Crosses the Last Line of Political Propriety
Republicans should call their chairman out for intentionally creating a false impression after the death of the US ambassador to Libya.
Sep 12, 2012 / John Nichols
Romney’s Libya Comments Kowtow to Anti-Muslim Bigots Romney’s Libya Comments Kowtow to Anti-Muslim Bigots
Romney’s shocking remarks ought to disqualify him from the Oval Office.
Sep 12, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss
Protecting Torturers, Prosecuting Whistleblowers Protecting Torturers, Prosecuting Whistleblowers
While CIA agents that tortured and killed prisoners go unpunished, whistleblower John Kiriakou faces up to forty-five years in prison.
Sep 11, 2012 / Peter Van Buren
Jeremy Scahill: Why Won’t the Media Take Obama to Task for Targeted Assassinations? Jeremy Scahill: Why Won’t the Media Take Obama to Task for Targeted Assassinations?
Why didn't the media question the "parade of jingoism" surrounding Democrats' celebration of President Obama's foreign policy in Charlotte last week?
Sep 10, 2012 / Press Room