Solidarity and Artivism Solidarity and Artivism
Bringing relief.
Nov 23, 2023 / OppArt / George de Castro-Day

In California Schools, Palestinian History Is Off-Limits In California Schools, Palestinian History Is Off-Limits
After backlash from pro-Israel organizations, Santa Ana’s ethnic studies courses discussing Palestine were put on hold. “You’re asking us to erase a people off the face of the ear...
Nov 20, 2023 / StudentNation / Shaanth Nanguneri

Israel’s War on American Student Activists Israel’s War on American Student Activists
For years the Israel on Campus Coalition—a little-known organization with links to Israeli intelligence—has used student informants to spy on pro-Palestinian campus groups.
Nov 17, 2023 / James Bamford

Inside Brown University’s Sit-In for Palestine Inside Brown University’s Sit-In for Palestine
After occupying University Hall, all 20 protesters with Jews for Ceasefire Now were arrested and charged with trespassing. “These are kids. And this was a perfect example of a non...
Nov 17, 2023 / StudentNation / Nicholas Miller

Brooklyn College’s President Is Absolutely Not Targeting Muslim Students Brooklyn College’s President Is Absolutely Not Targeting Muslim Students
A response to Jeanne Theoharis.
Nov 15, 2023 / David Brodsky

Atlanta’s “Stop Cop City” Movement Is Youth-Led Democracy in Action Atlanta’s “Stop Cop City” Movement Is Youth-Led Democracy in Action
“When we can’t trust our leaders, regardless of political party, to exercise their power for our betterment, we the people have the power to do something about it.”
Nov 14, 2023 / StudentNation / Hunter Buchheit

An Establishment Crack-Up, Aided by Mass Protests, Might Actually End This War An Establishment Crack-Up, Aided by Mass Protests, Might Actually End This War
A strategy of outside pressure and inside dissent offers the best path forward on Israel/Palestine.
Nov 10, 2023 / Jeet Heer

With Abortion Winning on the Ballot, Will Republicans Double Down on a Failing Strategy? With Abortion Winning on the Ballot, Will Republicans Double Down on a Failing Strategy?
The GOP is increasingly ditching labels like “pro-life” and calling for abortion “limits” rather than bans. But some activists and state officials in Missouri continue to bet on t...
Nov 10, 2023 / StudentNation / Molly Morrow

Ohio Voters Could Soon Enshrine Abortion Rights in Their State Constitution Ohio Voters Could Soon Enshrine Abortion Rights in Their State Constitution
On November 7, Ohio will vote on Issue 1, which would guarantee access to abortion. “Every individual has a right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions.”
Nov 3, 2023 / StudentNation / Molly Morrow

How Black Moms in Temecula Are Fighting the School Board’s Right-Wing Takeover How Black Moms in Temecula Are Fighting the School Board’s Right-Wing Takeover
The board banned “critical race theory” and decried ethnic studies, but a local group of Black mothers has a plan. “We’re going to use what’s available to us—the right we have as ...
Oct 31, 2023 / StudentNation / Mara Marques Cavallaro