Romney’s Attack on Obama’s College Affordability Record Romney’s Attack on Obama’s College Affordability Record
Mitt blames Obama for rising tuitions, but ignores the role of federal student aid in reducing its burden on families.
May 8, 2012 / Ben Adler
Can Romney Win Over Young Voters? Can Romney Win Over Young Voters?
Mitt is trying to appeal to Millenials, and some of them could dig it.
Apr 30, 2012 / Ben Adler
The Future of Vocational Education The Future of Vocational Education
Would the European high school apprenticeship model work in the United States?
Apr 19, 2012 / Dana Goldstein
Democracy Class Democracy Class
Rock the Vote’s Democracy Class could help ensure that young people learn their history, register to vote and make their electoral voice heard as soon as they are eligible.
Mar 22, 2012 / Peter Rothberg
America’s Youth Uprising America’s Youth Uprising
The renewal of labor militancy and radical politics is being led by a rising generation with its own rock-and-rap passion.
Feb 15, 2012 / John Nichols
What Are You Missing? What Are You Missing?
The only way to keep up on all of The Nation's special content is by joining our free EmailNation list.
Feb 14, 2012 / The Nation
Our Student Prize-winners Our Student Prize-winners
Congratulations to the winners of The Nation's sixth annual Student Writing Contest.
Jan 25, 2012 / The Nation
Digging for Democracy Digging for Democracy
COLLEGE FINALIST: The range of options that my generation has to choose from has been whittled to a handful of bad ones. I am coming of age not in the land of the free, but in...
Dec 6, 2011 / Zoë Carpenter
Winning the Future Winning the Future
HIGH SCHOOL FINALIST: We cannot invest more in education without making appropriate policy changes.
Dec 6, 2011 / Sakib Ahmed
A Future in Which Greed is Not a Virtue and Sharing is Not a Sin A Future in Which Greed is Not a Virtue and Sharing is Not a Sin
COLLEGE FINALIST: My generation must take on the task of building strong community economies and reestablishing collective wealth for all people.
Dec 2, 2011 / Matthew Hickson