One of My Own One of My Own
Although the murders at Virginia Tech had nothing to do with race, Korean Americans remain worried about anti-Asian fallout.
Apr 26, 2007 / Richard Kim
Virg. Tech: Only Connect Virg. Tech: Only Connect
The Virginia Tech shootings should prompt us to rethink our approach toward guns, the media and mental health.
Apr 26, 2007 / Bruce Shapiro
Story Lines at Virginia Tech Story Lines at Virginia Tech
The desire to impose a narrative on chaotic events leaves the meaning of the Virginia Tech shootings up for grabs.
Apr 19, 2007 / Feature / Bruce Shapiro
Obama’s Impressive Youthroots Obama’s Impressive Youthroots
Barack Obama's youthful supporters are using Facebook and other social networking web tools to spark a movement that could make a real difference.
Feb 15, 2007 / Feature / Sam Graham-Felsen
Generation Lockdown Generation Lockdown
California's juvenile justice system is broken everywhere you look. An ambitious plan for reform could bring much-needed improvements, but does it go far enough?
Jun 25, 2006 / Feature / Mark Sorkin
‘We Will Not Be Thrown Away!’ ‘We Will Not Be Thrown Away!’
Young rebels in France are fighting not for change but for the same rights their parents tried to secure during the 1968 student revolution.
Apr 6, 2006 / Feature / Angelique Chrisafis
A New Black Power A New Black Power
It's time to transform the two-party system into something more equitable by introducing smaller political groups based on special interests: Consider the power of a black voting b...
Feb 8, 2006 / Feature / Walter Mosley
Raising Up Youth Raising Up Youth
Insure funding for programs with proven success rehabilitating violent youths and avoid the failures of the prison system.
Jan 19, 2006 / Feature / Diane Watson
Overcoming Apartheid Overcoming Apartheid
Apartheid education is alive in America and rapidly increasing in hyper-segregated inner-city schools. And though it's now fashionable for policy-makers to declare integration a fa...
Dec 1, 2005 / Feature / Jonathan Kozol
Teaching 9/11 Teaching 9/11
How do you tell a student the story of September 11?
Sep 8, 2005 / Feature / Jon Wiener