Submissions guidelines
Want to write for The Nation ?

If you are interested in contributing to The Nation, please direct your pitch to [email protected]. We read all submissions and will forward internally to the relevant editors when appropriate. Unfortunately, we lack the capacity to respond to all queries individually. If we are able to pursue a pitch, we will respond within two weeks of submission.
We publish a variety of types of pieces at a variety of lengths, including op-eds, photo essays, Q&As, and reported features, and recommend reading The Nation to get a sense of the topics we cover. We particularly encourage reported pieces.
Please do not supply completed drafts, but rather summarize the key points of the article and why you think it’s a good fit for The Nation. For reported pieces, it’s helpful to know how far along you are in the reporting process.
Books and the Arts also welcomes pitches on books, films, TV shows, albums, theater, architecture, and art. The pitches do not need to be more than a couple sentences describing the writer’s interest in the subject. Please include clips if possible.
The Nation has agreed to standards for working with freelancers that are outlined in a Unilateral Announcement crafted in partnership with the National Writers Union
To review our poetry submissions guidelines, please click here.