April 11, 2011 Teaching Guide
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How Wall Street Crooks Get Out of Jail Free
Over the past decade, the Justice Department has gone soft on corporate crime.
William Greider
Maya Soetoro-Ng’s Big Ideas for Education Reform
Like her brother, President Obama, Soetoro-Ng wants to revamp school systems and broaden test-focused curriculums.
Sasha Abramsky
Taking Aim at the Pentagon Budget
Economic crisis, deficit mania and war weariness have created political momentum for big cuts to military spending.
Bob Dreyfuss
The Libya Intervention
Military “solutions” to grave humanitarian crises are tempting, but history shows that they rarely solve anything.
The Editors
Obama Loves Nukes
Even as Fukushima threatens to unleash the greatest nuclear catastrophe since Chernobyl, the president champions nuclear power in the United States.
Mark Hertsgaard
Ari Berman on the firing of Northwestern journalism professor David Protess, Doug Henwood on Robert Fitch and John Nichols on Michigan’s “emergency financial managers.”
Various Contributors
NFL Lockout!
Here is the naked truth: we face the prospect of no pro football in 2011 because the union made a three-word demand that would not have cost owners a dime—open your books.
Dave Zirin
Happy Birthday, Rupert Murdoch!
A man like Murdoch deserves to be shunned. That he is celebrated instead tells you almost all you need to know about the insanity that grips our benighted political culture.
Eric Alterman
The Innocence of the Liberal Hawk
Libya is not Iraq. And yet the flaws in logic, strategy and morality remain the same.
Gary Younge
Books & the Arts
Possible Humans: On Juan José Saer
The achievement of Juan José Saer’s fiction, next to its sensuousness, is its creation of an all-engulfing present.
Lorna Scott Fox
Shelf Life: On Poets and Painters
Tibor de Nagy’s Painters & Poets; Bill Berkson’s For the Ordinary Artist; William Corbett’s Albert York.
Barry Schwabsky
The Three Faces of Steve: On Stephen Sondheim
Finishing the Hat makes clear Stephen Sondheim’s belief that being an artist requires intellectual vigilance.
David Schiff
A Parade of Arrogance: On John Dower
During war, John Dower explains, “the system filters out the thoughtful and replaces them with the faithful.”
George Scialabba
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Puzzle No. 1625
From the March 27, 1976, issue. Be sure to vote in our contest to pick the new Nation puzzlemeister!
Frank W. Lewis