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February 1, 2010
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Covering Haiti: When the Media Is the Disaster
It’s time to banish the word “looting” from the media vocabulary in times of disaster.
Rebecca Solnit
Obama’s Pro-Union Nominations to Labor Relations Board Stalled
If Obama’s appointees to the National Labor Relations Board are confirmed, the agency could offer workers more protections than the Employee Free Choice Act.
Steven Hill and Dmitri Iglitzin
What Coakley’s Defeat Means for Healthcare Reform
Healthcare is in jeopardy, but it’s not dead–especially if Democrats drag their feet on swearing in Brown.
Lindsay Beyerstein
US Mercenaries Set Sights on Haiti
Private firms are jumping at the opportunity to provide ‘humanitarian assistance’ to Haiti, but what these companies are actually bringing is a ‘Shock Doctrine’ approach that aims to profit from disaster.
Jeremy Scahill
Young Punk Rockers Revive Folk Songs for a New Generation
As part of America’s progressive folk tradition, The Tillers demonstrate that the left has long been essential to the country’s cultural fabric.
Geoffrey Dobbins
Haiti: The Pearl of the Antilles
The continued portrayal of Haiti as the basket case of the hemisphere without accurate contextualization further wounds the Haitian people and misleads the American public.
Joslyn Barnes
Chile’s Turning Point
A victory by Sebastian Pinera in the Chilean marks a major turning point in the post-Pinochet transition, and a return to power of some of the hardcore rightists who collaborated with the military regime.
Peter Kornbluh and Katherine Hite
Dr. Martin Luther King’s Economics: Through Jobs, Freedom
How would Dr. King have responded to the current crises of recession, unemployment, and foreclosure?
Mark Engler
Building a Different Middle East
The longest continuous nonviolent mobilization in Palestinian history is uniting villagers from all political factions, along with Israeli and international activists, against the encroachments of Israel’s separation barrier.
Joel Beinin
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Turns Up the Heat
On the FCIC’s second day of hearings, witnesses examined how Wall Street incentivized and why the Federal Reserve didn’t stop subprime lending.
Greg Kaufmann
Too Big to Fail, Not Too Big for Jail
The federal inquiry hearings inevitably leads to the question: why aren’t any these big players already in jail? And no, Bernie Madoff doesn’t count.
Mary Bottari
For Prop 8 Trial, Supreme Court Banishes Cameras
Had the Supreme Court not kicked video cameras out of the courtroom, the Prop 8 trial may have enabled Americans to see how a controversial court decision is born.
Linda Hirshman
The Professional
Like the Progressives, Obama seems to believe government can move beyond partisan politics.
Eric Foner
System Failure
As welcome as it was, the removal of George W. Bush was not enough to cure what ails us.
Chris Hayes
Change Won’t Come Easy
Many progressives thought we had taken back America in 2008, but the work has just begun.
Katrina vanden Heuvel and Robert L. Borosage
Obama at One
The Nation asked members of our community and beyond: looking back at Obama’s first year in office, what was the high point, and what was your sharpest disappointment?
Various Contributors
Coakley’s Loss: Pie in the President’s Face
Martha Coakley’s loss in Massachusetts put on display the monumental miscalculations by which Obama has governed.
William Greider
Ten Things You Can Do to Improve Your Healthcare
Here are some ways to cut costs and improve outcomes no matter what happens to healthcare reform in Washington.
The Nation
You can help Haiti; the EPA allows the expansion of a West Virginia mine; the Democratic Party sees ideological fights ahead.
The Editors
Blueprint for Dems
Democrats have tried to act “bipartisan” while Republicans got obstructionist, and the Dems are paying for it.
Sen. Bernie Sanders
Move Your Money
Why leave your money in big banks that brought the financial system to ruin?
The Editors
What Massachusetts Got Right
Obama’s opportunistic search for win-win solutions to our healthcare concerns and our larger economic problems is leading to a lose-lose outcome for the president and the country.
Robert Scheer
Believers in Great Men Think Alike
Disappointment is one thing American liberals can be certain of. Optimism is the real challenge.
Gary Younge
What Would Molly Say?
As we observe the third anniversary of Molly Ivins’s death, we are ever more the lesser for her loss.
Eric Alterman
Books & the Arts
Young Punk Rockers Revive Folk Songs for a New Generation
As part of America’s progressive folk tradition, The Tillers demonstrate that the left has long been essential to the country’s cultural fabric.
Geoffrey Dobbins
The Professional
Like the Progressives, Obama seems to believe government can move beyond partisan politics.
Eric Foner
Permanent Exile: On Marie Vieux-Chauvet
In Love, Anger, Madness, Marie Vieux-Chauvet explores the choking fear of life under “Papa Doc” Duvalier.
Madison Smartt Bell
Evasive Action Painter: On Gerhard Richter
Gerhard Richter’s abstract paintings are miraculously controlled accidents.
Barry Schwabsky
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Puzzle No. 994
1 What chairmen sometimes do together? They tell what time the stars should appear. (10)
Frank W. Lewis