February 15, 2010
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Ten Things to Oppose the Anti-Gay Legislation in Uganda
Although homosexuality is criminalized in 80 countries, the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009 is the most egregious attempt to sanction homophobia and threaten the human rights of all its citizens. Here are ten ways to oppose this legislation and stand up for human rights wherever you are.
The Nation
The Second Sex at the Super Bowl
The Tim Tebow commercial is no departure at all for viewers of the big game.
Jaclyn Friedman
Movie Favorites from the Secretary of Defense
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates chooses a movie–and it happens to be about a military coup in the US.
Tom Engelhardt
Honor Killing by Any Other Name
To consider honor killing within Muslim communities a crime unto itself overlooks the patriarchal roots of much of the intimate partner violence perpetrated in the Western world.
Anna Momigliano
General Petraeus, PhD, at the University
Gen. David Petraeus pays a visit to Georgetown, where he takes questions but doesn’t always answer them.
Norman Birnbaum
Remembering Howard Zinn
Friends of The Nation and of Howard Zinn offer recollections of the man, his work, and his impact on thinkers and activists.
Various Contributors
‘New Haiti,’ Same Corporate Interests
Foreign ministers in the “Friends of Haiti” want to “build a new Haiti.” But what will their neoliberal agenda mean for ordinary Haitians?
Isabel Macdonald
Surveillance Can’t Make Us Secure
The goal of government surveillance is to create a deliberate backdoor into secure systems. The appeal to a hacker is obvious.
Julian Sanchez
Tiller’s Killer Puts Abortion on Trial
Judge Warren Wilbert has ruled that Scott Roeder, confessed killer of Kansas abortion provider George Tiller, couldn’t be considered for lesser crimes than first-degree murder. Today he was convicted.
Sharon Lerner
Understanding Massachusetts
The Bay State election results are a chapter in a story that predates Obama’s presidency.
Jonathan Schell
The Case for ‘Gray Power’
The waste energy from manufacturing plants can be recycled to create clean, green power.
Lisa Margonelli
America’s Secret Afghan Prisons
Villagers and human rights officials accuse the United States military of torturing suspects in hidden detention centers.
Anand Gopal
Transparency Can Curb Corporate Impact on Elections
In the face of a Supreme Court decision that eliminates crucial checks on corporate political spending nationwide, we must demand greater accountability and transparency around how corporations spend money in elections across the country.
Public Advocate Bill de Blasio
Death and Cover-Up at Guantánamo
Staying the hand of justice on torture has gained the Obama administration nothing from Republicans. It’s time to investigate deaths at Guantánamo.
The Editors
Political Fever
Since recent shock waves of populism, Obama has made some bigger promises.
William Greider
A Cold Day in Washington
A freeze on discretionary spending may poll well, but it endorses ignorance of how the federal government spends its money.
Chris Hayes
Democracy Inc.
The Citizens United campaign finance decision makes it possible for the nation’s most powerful economic interests to manipulate not just individual electoral contests but political discourse itself.
The Editors
Volcker Rules
Obama’s endorsement of what he calls the ‘Volcker Rule’ for once puts him squarely on the side of ordinary Americans as opposed to the banking bandits who have so thoroughly fleeced the public.
Robert Scheer
All-White Basketball League: Bringing Segregation Back
If not for the incessant backlash against NBA players, the all-white All-American Basketball Alliance would never have gotten off the ground.
Dave Zirin and David J. Leonard
Corpus Ex Machina
Citizens United raises the questions: why is speech the functional equivalent of money, and why are corporations considered persons?
Patricia J. Williams
The Games Journalists Play
Books like Game Change are more instructive for what they reveal about the community that prizes them than for the information they contain.
Eric Alterman
Vote of Confidence, Sort of
Somewhere between cranky and skanky… Sentiments about Ben Bernanke.
Calvin Trillin
Books & the Arts
Remembering Howard Zinn
Friends of The Nation and of Howard Zinn offer recollections of the man, his work, and his impact on thinkers and activists.
Various Contributors
Under Siege: On Emma Williams
A poignant memoir about life in the occupied territories during the second intifada.
Charles Glass
Shelf Life
Joseph Stiglitz’s Freefall, Mark Weiss’s The Whole Island and Robert Darnton’s The Case for Books.
John Palattella
Ghostly Demarcations: On Ramon Fernandez
The novelist Dominique Fernandez struggles to understand his father’s years as a Nazi collaborator.
Alice Kaplan
Telling It Slant: On J.M. Coetzee
J.M. Coetzee’s Summertime and the fictions of self-deception.
Joanna Scott
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