February 22, 2010
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Obama Stalls for Time With Healthcare Summit
Obama’s healthcare summit is a delay tactic–it’s what happens after, when someone steps up to steer the bill, that counts.
Lindsay Beyerstein
Tell ‘The Nation’: Voices of the Uninsured
Uninsured Americans have arguably the highest stake in the outcome of the healthcare debate–so why are they absent from the national conversation over its fate?
Various Contributors
Political Awakenings: An Unpublished Howard Zinn Interview
In this unpublished interview from 2001, Howard Zinn talks about his coming-of-age as a radical thinker.
Harry Kreisler
The Commercials Are the Super Bowl
The thirty-second spots for chips, beer, babes and flatulent slackers star in the big game.
Robert Lipsyte
The Expanding US War in Pakistan
Three US special forces soldiers were killed in northwest Pakistan this week, confirming that the US military is more deeply engaged on the ground in Pakistan than previously acknowledged by the White House and Pentagon.
Jeremy Scahill
Blackwater’s Youngest Victim
Nine-year-old Ali Kinani died from a gunshot wound to the head in the Nisour Square massacre. His father may be the one man standing between Blackwater and total impunity.
Jeremy Scahill
Blair: Shaken, Not Sorry
The Chilcot Inquiry’s lesson is the terrible cost to any country that defines the national interest as standing shoulder to shoulder with Washington.
D.D. Guttenplan
Morton Mintz on what Rehnquist would have thought of Citizens United; John Nichols on net neutrality.
The Editors
Zinn’s Critical History
Howard Zinn’s writings remain essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the upheavals of the ’60s
Eric Foner
Bring on the Filibuster
Let the Republicans actually filibuster something, hour after excrutiating hour, in real time. The public won’t like it.
Thomas Geoghegan and The Editors
Wall Street Wants a Refund
"Buyer’s remorse" is the way John Cornyn, the Senate Republicans’ fundraiser, gleefully refers to Wall Street moguls’ current disenchantment with the US president they thought they had bought.
Robert Scheer
Focus on the Fetus
The trouble with protesting the Tim Tebow ad: all most people see is pro-choicers trying to shut up a brave mother and her son.
Katha Pollitt
The Bogus Crime Wave
A host of politicians and pundits would have you believe that Hispanic immigrants are to blame for an uptick in urban crime. They’re wrong.
Alexander Cockburn
Books & the Arts
Zinn’s Critical History
Howard Zinn’s writings remain essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the upheavals of the ’60s
Eric Foner
Scalia v. The World: On Antonin Scalia
Who is the purest archetype of the conservative legal movement, Antonin Scalia or John Roberts?
Michael O’Donnell
Swing Time: On Morris Dickstein
Morris Dickstein’s elegant cultural history of the Great Depression.
D.D. Guttenplan
The stakes are higher now than ever. Get The Nation in your inbox.
Letters published in the February 22, 2010 issue of the Nation.
William Greider, Our Readers and Fawaz A. Gerges