February 28, 2011 Teaching Guide
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Backward, Christian Soldiers
Zealots are trying to turn the military into a religious army. Mikey Weinstein is fighting back.
Stephen Glain
The Kids Are All Right
As a mentoring program shows, the arc of a child’s life can be altered by a single stable adult.
David Kirp
How Bloomberg Does Business
The mayor’s company created a “coalition” to promote its interests in the Comcast-NBC merger, proving itself an agile peddler of influence in Washington.
Aram Roston
For Democracy in Egypt
Will Obama follow Washington tradition by undermining the protests in the name of “stability”? Or will he practices what he preaches and stand with protesters?
The Editors
Fighting for Liberation in Tahrir Square
Protesters in Egypt all agree on one thing: Mubarak must go.
Anand Gopal
John Nichols on the AOL/Huffington Post merger, Ari Berman on the Democratic Leadership Council’s demise and Riddhi Shah on invisible government benefits
Various Contributors
Discomfited by Democracy
The uprising in Egypt is a rare opportunity to support democracy without imperialism. Will Obama take the chance?
Chris Hayes
The ‘Hero’ of the War on Terror
Congressman Peter King’s dark fantasies about American Muslims are intruding on reality.
Michelle Goldberg
Dishonoring Reagan
The former president set in motion a sizable slice of the fantasies destroying America.
Alexander Cockburn
It Takes a Village, Not a Tiger
Whether you’re a tiger mother, a soccer mom, a helicopter parent or something else, if you’re not in poverty, then your kids will probably end up okay.
Katha Pollitt
Books & the Arts
Dishonoring Reagan
The former president set in motion a sizable slice of the fantasies destroying America.
Alexander Cockburn
The Dying Swan: On Jennifer Homans
Jennifer Homans thinks ballet is dying, its masters dead and gone. But ballet, which exists in time and leaves no record, is always dying.
Marina Harss
Crooked Sticks: On Utopianism
At the utopian community of Fruitlands, vegetables were not only eaten. They were also imitated.
Brenda Wineapple
Amazement in Reverse: On Martin Creed and Gabriel Orozco
Martin Creed and Gabriel Orozco reduce the artistic gesture to the smallest effective intervention into reality.
Barry Schwabsky
Turning Oil Into Water
After a plan to tow icebergs from Antarctica ran aground, the Saudis used their oil wealth to build desalination plants for watering their desert kingdom.
Frederick Deknatel
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