February 7, 2011 Teaching Guide
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Stealing the Constitution
Inside the right’s campaign to hijack our country’s founding text—and how to fight back.
Garrett Epps
Confronting the Climate Cranks
It’s time to take on those who are sabotaging our response to the climate crisis—face to face.
Mark Hertsgaard
Obama: Triangulation 2.0?
In year three, will Obama heed the lessons of Clinton or Reagan?
Ari Berman
Healthcare Reality Check
The repeal bill won’t survive the Senate. But the real danger is piece-by-piece gutting of the Affordable Care Act’s consumer protections.
The Editors
Glenn Beck Targets Frances Fox Piven
In Beck’s twisted telling, it is activists like Piven—not the militias of the right—who threaten Americans’ safety.
The Editors
Comcast/NBC Merger Takes Media Consolidation to the Next Level
It’s past time for open hearings and a coherent policy on media ownership in the digital age.
Robert W. McChesney and John Nichols
Guantánamos Here at Home
Bradley Manning is not the only person in the US held in pretrial solitary confinement. For many facing terrorism charges, it has become standard procedure.
Sally Eberhardt and Jeanne Theoharis
A Short Analysis of Sarah Palin’s Video Speech on the Tucson Shootings
What’s uppermost on her mind.
Calvin Trillin
A ‘Worm’ in the Neocons’ Plan to Bomb Iran?
A computer virus foiling Iran’s nuclear plans should delight those spoiling for an attack. Does it?
Eric Alterman
Books & the Arts
Obama: Triangulation 2.0?
In year three, will Obama heed the lessons of Clinton or Reagan?
Ari Berman
Library Man: On Claude Lévi-Strauss
With a sharp eye for cultural patterns and a keen feel for the shape of a story, Claude Lévi-Strauss was a poet in the laboratory of anthropology.
Thomas Meaney
Perfect-Bound: On Elizabeth Hardwick
Elizabeth Hardwick found New York’s jittery impermanence and inchoate density to be an obstacle for the fiction writer.
James Marcus
An Atlas of Reckonings
The horrors of The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database arise through the cumulative weight of its abstract pieces of information.
Robin Einhorn
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