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How David Brock Built an Empire to Put Hillary in the White House
The Clintons’ former nemesis created an apparatus to fend off their enemies—right and left.
Michelle Goldberg
A Hawk Named Hillary
As her record shows, Clinton has embraced destructive nationalist myths about America’s role in the world.
Anatol Lieven
Who’s Ready for Hillary?
Depending on whom you ask, Clinton is a triangulating pro-corporate Democrat or a heroic shatterer of glass ceilings—or both.
Kathleen Geier, Joan Walsh, Jamelle Bouie, Doug Henwood, Heather Digby Parton, Steven Teles and Richard Yeselson
Wanted: A Challenge to Clinton
Even the most ardent Hillary supporters should acknowledge that Democrats—and the country—will be better served if she has real competition in the primaries.
The Editors
Obama’s Immigration Decision Is a Movement Victory
The hard-won relief arrived only after undocumented workers and their families took huge risks to step forward and lead.
Deepak Bhargava
Q&A: Eve Ensler on Hillary, Feminism, Revolution and Her New Play
A conversation with the feminist playwright and One Billion Rising leader, whose new play, O.P.C., opens in Cambridge on November 28.
Laura Flanders
Pro-Lifers Answer My Questions (Well, Some of Them)
They aren’t very interested in compromise, or birth control—or, for that matter, in engaging much with pro-choicers.
Katha Pollitt
4 Reasons Keystone Really Matters
Pipeline apologists tell us the president’s decision isn’t that important for the climate—the dirty oil will flow anyway. Here’s why they’re wrong.
Naomi Klein
Books & the Arts
Plugged Into the Socket of Life
Behind Richard Pryor’s jokes and barbs was a man yearning to be free.
Scott Saul
Imitations of Life
Benedict Cumberbatch plays Alan Turing as a creature of secrets in The Imitation Game.
Stuart Klawans
The stakes are higher now than ever. Get The Nation in your inbox.
Puzzle No. 3346
And don’t miss Kosman and Picciotto’s crossword blog, Word Salad.
Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto