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Free Teaching Guide March 23-30
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After Last Week’s Deal With the Troika, What’s Next for Syriza?
Negotiations will rumble on, but the concessions Greece has already won could change the future of the eurozone.
Maria Margaronis
Ten Urban Experiments That Your City Should Adopt
From Atlanta to Los Angeles, cities are becoming greener, healthier, and more humane.
Sasha Abramsky
How the Movement to Unseat Rahm Emanuel Is Challenging ‘1 Percent’ Urbanism
As Chuy Garcia gains momentum, another city seems possible.
John Nichols
CPAC, On Script
As long as the GOP can put a patina of reasonableness over its conservative ideology, its candidates stand a chance.
Michelle Goldberg
Why Are Liberals Resigned to Low Wages?
Focusing on unsolvable problems excuses them from dealing with tough political problems.
Mike Konczal
Why Nobody Seems to Mind That Bill O’Reilly Is a Total Fraud
The Fox News anchor’s war stories have been exposed as lies. And it’s all good.
Eric Alterman
Meet the Politicians Trying to Bury America’s Past
Our short historical memory is no accident.
Patricia J. Williams
Books & the Arts
The Great Chastening
For Francis Fukuyama and John Dunn, our democratic crisis is the result of an intellectual failure.
Thomas Meaney
The categorical imperative “Do Not Draw the Prophet” clashes with the thousand nuances of art.
Stéphane Delorme
Impossible Standards
The poems and a new biography of James Laughlin tells of his public success as a publisher and his private disappointments.
Adam Plunkett
The stakes are higher now than ever. Get The Nation in your inbox.
Puzzle No. 3357
And don’t miss Kosman and Picciotto’s crossword blog, Word Salad.
Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto