Free Teaching Guide for November 3
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Brain Cancer Cases Shot Up in This Florida Town—Is a Defense Contractor to Blame?
For years, radioactive waste has seeped into swampland, canals—even drinking water. Now a few families are fighting to hold the polluters accountable.
Sharon Lerner
The GOP Is Winning the War on Voting
Voters in fourteen states—many with tight races—will face new restrictions at the polling booth for the first time in November.
Ari Berman
Even Red-State Voters Want to Raise the Minimum Wage
Eighty percent of Americans want to hike wages, but powerful Republicans keep saying no.
John Nichols
A Q&A With Charles Blow on Race, Poverty, Sexual Predators and the CIA
The New York Times columnist discusses his new book, Fire Shut Up in My Bones.
Jon Wiener
A New Documentary Profiles Liars for Hire
Today’s corporations have taken a page from the tobacco industry, fooling the public and undermining science in order to boost profits, no matter the human cost.
Eric Alterman
Will Your Child Grow Up to Be Victim or Torturer?
While 90 percent of teens break the law, only some enter a violent system.
Patricia J. Williams
Books & the Arts
A Q&A With Charles Blow on Race, Poverty, Sexual Predators and the CIA
The New York Times columnist discusses his new book, Fire Shut Up in My Bones.
Jon Wiener
Acts of Treason
For Rian Malan, seeking atonement doesn’t necessarily mean one will attain it.
André Naffis-Sahely
Uncontained City
The Third World collides with the First in Atticus Lish’s Preparation for the Next Life.
Madison Smartt Bell
In Our Orbit: Pleasures and Predicaments
In the poems of Peter Gizzi, the powers of tradition meet and mingle.
Frances Richard
The stakes are higher now than ever. Get The Nation in your inbox.
Demand green, people!… “vices and follies”… Goodbye, Confucius… whiter shade of pale…itsy bitsie tennie weenie… why? why? why?…
Our Readers
Puzzle No. 3341
And don’t miss Kosman and Picciotto’s crossword blog, Word Salad.
Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto