January 24, 2011 Teaching Guide
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Kabuki Democracy—and How to Fix It
Obama’s election was not the game changer progressives hoped for. For that, we need to remake our democracy’s rules.
Eric Alterman
The End of New Deal Liberalism
When the Democratic Party fails to use government’s extensive powers to reverse economic disorder, it must be the end of the line for the governing ideology inherited from Roosevelt, Truman and Johnson.
William Greider
Former CIA Asset Luis Posada Goes to Trial
The Cuban exile has a long record of terror, but his trial, starting today, is on lesser charges.
Peter Kornbluh
Clampdown in Hungary
The right-wing nationalist government has defunded and harassed the influential theater community and passed a harsh new media censorship law, threatening the country’s fragile democratic institutions.
Alisa Solomon
Dwight Eisenhower & ‘The Nation’
The Nation was central to Eisenhower’s understanding of the military-industrial complex.
James Ledbetter
Today’s Color Line
America may have a black president—but very few other African-Americans have been elected to political office.
Eric Foner
John Nichols on filibuster reform; Ari Berman on Obama’s new chief of staff, Bill Daley.
Various Contributors
Hope in 2011
The arc of history bends towards justice, but it will not bend by itself.
Katrina vanden Heuvel
The New Congress and the Coming Class War
Conservatives today talk up all kinds of values, but they’re all subordinated to a single goal: class warfare.
Eric Alterman
The Right Wing Reboots Segregation
If Republicans had their way, citizenship in America would become pay-to-play.
Patricia J. Williams
The Message Other Mayors Got From How Newark’s Corey Booker Came Out of the Great Storm
It was the ultimate photo-op.
Calvin Trillin
Books & the Arts
Dwight Eisenhower & ‘The Nation’
The Nation was central to Eisenhower’s understanding of the military-industrial complex.
James Ledbetter
Today’s Color Line
America may have a black president—but very few other African-Americans have been elected to political office.
Eric Foner
Hope in 2011
The arc of history bends towards justice, but it will not bend by itself.
Katrina vanden Heuvel
Trakt Marks: On Ian Frazier’s Siberia
Like Siberia itself, Ian Frazier’s Travels in Siberia seems simply to drift off into the distance.
Elaine Blair
A Secret Archive: On the Mexican Suitcase
The 4,500 images in the recently discovered Mexican Suitcase deepen our understanding of photojournalism as well as the complexities of the Spanish Civil War.
Dan Kaufman
The Year in Movies
The highlights of 2010 included Roman Polanski’s The Ghost Writer, Jeff Malmberg’s Marwencol and the twenty-fifth-anniversary rerelease of Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah.
Stuart Klawans
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