November 1, 2010 Teaching Guide
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Who’s Afraid of Progressive Power?
The Working Families Party faces down the corporate backlash.
Alyssa Katz
The Bank of America Mortgage Settlement Fiasco
Angelo Mozilo, former CEO of Countrywide Financial, has just agreed to pay $67.5 million SEC fine. But the landmark 2008 settlement with Bank of America, which had acquired Countrywide that year, has done little to help defrauded homeowners.
Alex Ulam
Democracy for Sale
This election season, we are witnessing an assault on democracy by multinational corporations that, freed by the Citizens United ruling, are out to get the best government money can buy.
The Editors
On Loving Queer Kids
When faced with something so painful as gay teen suicide, it’s easy to scapegoat child bullies. It’s hard to create a world that wants queer youth to live and thrive.
Richard Kim
Maura Elizabeth Cunningham and Jeffrey Wasserstrom on Liu Xiaobo, Nobel Peace Prize laureate; Brad Lander on paid sick days for New York City; and Richard Kim on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
Various Contributors
Labour’s Identity Crisis
The Labour Party’s biggest challenge is the lack of a credible alternative to the Conservative-Liberal narrative of crisis and austerity.
D.D. Guttenplan
Postcard From Palestine
Walking the streets of Hebron feels like wandering through a post-apocalyptic video game come to life.
Chris Hayes
Last Call for Jerry Brown
California’s problems are well beyond the curative powers of any one governor. If Jerry Brown wins in November, there’s no need to nourish foolish hopes.
Alexander Cockburn
Books & the Arts
A Passionate Reader: On David Markson
Remembering David Markson (1927–2010), whose playful novels pushed storytelling to the edge of understanding.
Joanna Scott
Old Vagabond: Paul Gauguin at Tate Modern
In his paintings and travels, Paul Gauguin sought a corner of himself that was still unknown.
Barry Schwabsky
Love and Hardship: On Gary Shteyngart
Is Super Sad True Love Story the kind of novel Gary Shteyngart might previously have held in contempt?
Aaron Thier
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