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November 16, 2009
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The Swine Flu Vaccine Screw-up
Thanks to Big Pharma, your child may not get a flu shot as soon as they should.
Barbara Ehrenreich
Enrollment Abuse Allegations Plague University of Phoenix
Phoenix has allegedly broken the law by tying recruiters’ pay to enrollment numbers, creating pressure to sign up unqualified students.
Sharona Coutts
Problems for the Public Option
The final House health reform bill has a public option all right, but not the robust version progressives were hoping for.
Lindsay Beyerstein
Keeping Focus on Fighting Genital Mutilation
Is the campaign to fight female genital mutilation meeting new resistance not only in traditional societies but among Western anthropologists?
Barbara Crossette
On Israel’s ‘Domination and Its Intoxications’
Accepting the International Women’s Media Foundation lifetime achievement award, Amira Hass decries the “official language” that allows her fellow Israelis to avoid reality.
Amira Hass
Marriage in Maine in Dead Heat
On November 3, Mainers will decide whether to keep a law that made Maine the fifth state to legalize same-sex marriage. Polls predict a nail-biting finish.
Daniel Chandler
Honduras: Solution or Stall?
Roberto Micheletti has agreed to a plan to end the country’s political impasse. But the coup government is already looking for loopholes.
Greg Grandin
The Heart of Wall Street
It’s undeniable that pay czar Kenneth Feinberg has had an impact on compensation at bailed-out firms. But it’s equally clear that the casino culture that created this mess remains untouched.
Greg Kaufmann
Why Obama’s Iran Policy Will Fail
Why Russia and China will sink Washington’s Iran policy.
Dilip Hiro
A New Generation Rises at J Street
The new progressive Jewish organization J Street has benefited from the blogosphere’s interest. But will exposure turn into political mobilization?
Britt Harwood
Latvia’s Tiger Economy Loses Its Bite
The economic meltdown has Latvians reconsidering decades of neoliberal policies.
Kristina Rizga
The Generation That Failed
Yugoslavs were unprepared for the surge of nationalism that followed Tito’s communist rule.
Slavenka Drakulic
Promises Kept and Broken, One Year Later
There are the things the president is doing that he said he would do. These actions can draw plenty of criticism, but not genuine shock. Then there are the things he is not doing which he said he would do.
Ari Melber
Afghanistan: Too Big to Fail?
Why do America’s leaders always opt for “more” in counterinsurgency disasters rather than cutting their losses?
Tom Engelhardt
A Letter to Ahmadinejad
Nation writer Shane Bauer and his friends have been detained by Iran for almost 100 days. A fourth member of their party appeals directly to Iran’s president for their release.
Shon Meckfessel
Where’s the Birth Control?
Another complication in healthcare reform legislation has emerged: so far, it fails to require insurers to cover basic preventive services for women, including contraception.
Sharon Lerner
Big League Blues
The NFL is only the highest-profile example of the economic crisis pervading the world of sports.
Dave Zirin
States sound off for instant runoff voting; activists unite for the International Day of Climate Action; and we remember an American radical who fought the “good fight” against fascism in Spain.
The Editors
Deficit Hawk Hysteria
The time to pay down the deficit will come only after the economy recovers.
William Greider
Break Up the Banks
To reform the financial sector, we must break up “too big to fail” conglomerates and reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act.
The Editors
Ten Things You Can Do to Reduce Incarceration
Come out of the closet about your drug use; hire a formerly incarcerated person; vote for politicians who are smart on crime.
The Nation
Keeping Afghanistan Safe from Democracy
The most idiotic thing being said about America’s involvement in Afghanistan is that the best way to protect the 68,000 US troops there now is by putting an additional 40,000 in harm’s way.
Robert Scheer
Working Women: Strength in Numbers
First feminism was dead because it was a “failure”; now it’s dead because it was such a success.
Katha Pollitt
The Right to Remain Naked?
Obsessions over sex have little to do with sexual behavior and everything to do with policing.
Alexander Cockburn
‘U.S. Will Order Pay Cuts at Firms With Bailout Aid’
The Wall Street types consider this unfair–they say they earned their money fair and square.
Calvin Trillin
Books & the Arts
Deficit Hawk Hysteria
The time to pay down the deficit will come only after the economy recovers.
William Greider
The End of the Story?
Archie Brown’s account of the high politics of communism’s collapse is Kremlinology without the guesswork.
Lars T. Lih
The Last Yugoslav: On Dusan Makavejev
When Yugoslavia disintegrated, so too did the film career of Dusan Makavejev.
Richard Byrne
Empire Falls: The Revolutions of 1989
The story of communism’s rise and fall in Eastern Europe is a tale of two revolutions.
Ronald Grigor Suny
The Generation That Failed
Yugoslavs were unprepared for the surge of nationalism that followed Tito’s communist rule.
Slavenka Drakulic
The stakes are higher now than ever. Get The Nation in your inbox.
Puzzle No. 3191
8 Said to be a dangerous thing, but is a small tilt right inside. (1,6,8)
Frank W. Lewis