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October 16, 2006
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The Uphill Battle For Habeas Corpus in George W. Bush’s Washington, D.C.
As Republicans and Democrats voted to approve the Military Commission Act last week, those who love the law were mortified by its passage and angry at those who capitulated, but unwilling to give up.
Michael Ratner
A Progressive Response to Terror
If the United States can abandon the idea of a “war” on terror in favor of a comprehensive and equitable collective response, we may have a shot at stopping the right from destroying the nation in order to save it.
Ken Miller
Low-Key Leader for High-Anxiety Times
South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon now has a virtual lock on succeeding Kofi Annan as UN Secretary General. Does he have what it takes to be a mediator between Bush’s Washington and the rest of the world?
Ian Williams
Reform Comes to the Boardroom
Corporate America needs the discipline of democracy to help rid it of some very bad habits. And shareholder activists are pushing the SEC to shore up their rights.
Kelly Candaele
Look East for a New UN Leader
The election campaign for the UN’s next Secretary General is the most transparent in history, but the politics are as murky as ever. As diplomatic wrangling continues, one thing is clear: The next leader will come from Asia.
Ian Williams
We’ll Always Have Geneva
The Military Comissions Act of 2006 gives the Geneva Conventions a bold, new American twist. Here’s a look at the bill’s final markup.
Evan Eisenberg
Ten Reasons Why the Wal-Mart Pundits Are Wrong
The conventional wisdom that Wal-Mart is good for American business and good for consumers just doesn’t hold up under scrutiny.
Sarah Anderson and John Cavanagh
Big $$ for Progressive Politics
The Democracy Alliance is taking a page from the conservative Republican playbook by funding ideas instead of candidates. If only its leaders could agree on what those ideas are.
Ari Berman
Revolt of the Generals
Military generals are beginning to speak out against the incompetent, out-of-touch civilian leadership that is orchestrating the Iraq War.
The Nation
Test on Terrorism
The godfather of vicious anti-Castro violence, Luis Posada Carriles will soon be released from US custody. Is that any way to treat a terrorist?
Peter Kornbluh
The FCC Scandal
It’s official: Revelations that the FCC suppressed reports on the danger of media consolidation prove the agency is overwhelmingly biased in favor of big media.
John Nichols
Mexican Scramble
A flawed election and Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s social mobilization are putting Mexico’s feeble democracy at risk.
Sergio Aguayo Quezada
Accessories to Torture
The only thing compromised in the Senate’s catastrophic “compromise” of the enemy combatants bill is the rule of law and our democracy’s basic principles.
The Editors
Iraq and Reality
Throughout the Iraq debacle, intelligence and analysis have not mattered to the Bush Administration. The White House will continue to duck reality all the way to election day.
The Editors
The Real Cover-Up
Far more important than the Foley affair is the Bush Administration and the GOP have molested Lady Liberty while pretending to guard our national security.
Robert Scheer
Gas Pump Politics
Will Democrats lose 50,000 votes every time the price of gasoline drops? If so, don’t blame the GOP (they don’t have that much power). Blame instead the greed of US consumers.
Nicholas von Hoffman
Saints and the Superdome
The hype-masters of sports would have us believe that the return of the New Orleans Saints to the Superdome is a sign of a city on the verge of resurrection. It’s not.
Dave Zirin
Blair, Brown, Blah
Tony Blair’s sorry record on Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon–and the rise of a new, viable leader of the Conservative Party–could spell doom for Gordon Brown and the Labour Party.
Gary Younge
A Meta-Read Is a Better Read
The notion that the function of journalists is to explain “the truth” is about as quaint as America’s participation in the Geneva Conventions.
Eric Alterman
On the Intelligence Report Finding That the War in Iraq Has Produced a New Generation of Jihadists and Increased Terrorism
Yes, there is indeed a link between Iraq and Bush’s “war on terror.”
Calvin Trillin
Books & the Arts
The Dubya Diaries
“Some expert on CNN said, ‘A stitch in time saves nine.’ And I thought, Doesn’t anyone speak clearly anymore? Nine what?”
Rosecrans Baldwin
A Metaphysical Materialist
Philosopher Walter Benjamin married Marxism and theology in an attempt to give hope to the hopeless.
Richard Wolin
Modern Love
Two new biographies of Clement Greenberg take the measure of an ambitious art critic who had a knack for predicting success.
Barry Schwabsky
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