September 20, 2010 Teaching Guide
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China in the Driver’s Seat
On the American left, there’s no consensus about how to respond to China’s emergence. Confront China or accommodate? Slam China with tariffs or invite it to build in the US? And what about human rights? Robert Dreyfuss talks to progressives about what the country’s rapid rise means for the Chinese—and for Americans.
Bob Dreyfuss
The Greening of China
China must do two things at once: continue to industrialize while sharply limiting carbon emissions. Will its newfound focus on renewable energy technology be enough?
Bob Dreyfuss
Nevada Goes Bust
A severe budget crisis has put all state services–from education to eldercare–in jeopardy.
Sasha Abramsky
The Right Angle on Reid
If Harry Reid loses this fall, he’s just getting what he deserves.
J. Patrick Coolican
Eyes on the Prize
Let’s get a grip: the left isn’t going to win every 24-hour news cycle. And that shouldn’t be our goal.
The Editors
Our Iraq Debacle
America needs to remember the disastrous consequences of the war in Iraq. But Obama wants to put it all behind us.
The Editors
Katrina vanden Heuvel endorses Eric Schneiderman’s “transformational politics,” Ari Berman resports on the GOP’s “vulture” capitalist, and John Nichols appreciates the “Palin Effect.”
Various Contributors
The UAW Hits the Streets
Bob King, the new UAW president, has dusted off the union and renewed its activist traditions.
John Nichols
Ten Things the Past Can Teach Us Today
“Live as if you are free” and other lessons of the past can help us build a progressive future.
The Nation
It’s Better Over There
In Germany, a strong social safety net keeps people from plunging into the abyss. Why are we so averse to having that security in the United States?
Katha Pollitt
What Are Words Worth?
Speech is not the only, or even the most powerful, conduit of racial liberation—or racial oppression.
Melissa Harris-Perry
On Revelations of Where the Secret Funding for the Tea Party Comes From
Who’s behind the curtain?
Calvin Trillin
Books & the Arts
Ten Things the Past Can Teach Us Today
“Live as if you are free” and other lessons of the past can help us build a progressive future.
The Nation
Unequal Sacrifice
Why are poorer and less-educated citizens more likely to die in America’s wars?
Andrew J. Bacevich
Busted: Stories of the Financial Crisis
The one thing that a thousand books written from within the financial crisis won’t contemplate is the possibility of an unhappy ending for capitalism.
Joshua Clover
Reverse Psychology: On Ernst Weiss
In Georg Letham, Ernst Weiss turned to psychoanalysis to tap an atmosphere of unknown terror and mystery.
Elias Altman
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